Here i post only my drawnings.Also occasionally i post interviews from bands that help keep my hand going on.So today PLANKS ladies and gentleman!!! A band and an interview that is true to the bone. Great worlds and great music are hidden here so you better read closely and hear them at an speaker-blowing volume to get them better. Planks are putting on the right influence’s for me such as heavy dark aggressive emotional music somewhere between Breach, HydraHead Music,and Pure fucking Black Metal they are keeping us to waiting for FUNERAL MOUTH their third album released this September on Golden Antenna.vKeep reading and then listen to one hellish black trip the manage to offer. Ralph is telling us what is all about. I think this is your first interview in Greek soil isn’t it? R: That's indeed true. Thanks for having us. Although you are a relatively new band your releases have proven really flattering since you have already a split with the godly and legenda...